Wednesday, 27 October 2010

More of the Idea

This concept is more of a marketing strategy, introducing Fairtrade products to the users. As there is a vast amount of products available with several types of each product, my idea is to introduce them all by creating a puzzle for each product. So say the puzzle is for Chocolate, each chocolate product there is will have its own QR tag which will relate to a new puzzle piece. Each piece will be fitted into it's place. Once done, the user will receive a letter from a chocolate producer. They will also receive a small one with it piece. the sketches below will demonstrate the flow of the app.

The code is scanned and a piece of the puzzle is revealed.

The piece is 'flipped' over to reveal a letter. 

The piece is fitted into the puzzle. 

Once the puzzle is complete, the user can play a game/video etc.

This application will be created for the use of children as they will have the pulling factor when it comes to get the products. Children have a mass interest and once this is introduced to them and a their friends are involved they will want to be involved. Another thing is that their curiosity will make them want to try the product, putting the pressure on the parent to purchase the product.

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